ACWB Appointments Portal

Procedure to book :
1. Please sign in with your Ashoka email ID.
2. Once you select a counselor, you will be directed to their available slots.
3. On selecting a slot, you will need to fill the referral form.
4. Please fill all the sections of the form as accurately as possible. This information is important for the counselor.
5. You will receive your appointment confirmation on your Ashoka email ID.

The fresh slots for the coming week open up every Sunday around 5 pm and remain open through the week until booked.

For any any queries please write to us at

Follow us on:

Sign in using Ashoka Gmail ID.

Please note you can book only one appointment in a week.

Please know the counselors are not doctors (medical or otherwise) or psychotherapists. Counselors provide a safe, non-judgemental space for you to talk about your concerns or worries, and collaborate to uncover your strengths and ways to cope in life circumstances effectively and efficiently.

Keeping everyone's health and safety in mind, in case you do not feel physically well and might have symptoms such as cold, cough, fever, you can opt for an online session. For the same, please send a Google Meet link to your counsellor after booking an appointment.

Counselor Details:
Name Email
Durgesh Ojha
Harman Kaur
Hoinu Haokip
Savi Khanna
Srivalli D
Vera Veyie